27 rue Godefroy, lyon 6ème


Acne, scars

Cicatrices acné au Laser à Lyon

Acne can leave the skin with scarring and some people are embarrassed or complexed by their unsightly appearance.

Removing acne scars is now possible through various medical techniques:

  • smoothing out scars by laser,
  • manual dermabrasion,
  • deep chemical peels …

Treatments offered at the Center

Fractional CO2 laser treatment

The arrival of fractional smoothing lasers was a real therapeutic advance in the world of cosmetic dermatology. Fractional CO2 lasers do allow for effective results at the deeper layers of the skin (dermis) without risk and with moderate downtime. However, this can only be achieved with very fair skin.
It is possible to perform this treatment on skin types 1 and 2 at most.
In the image above, you can check the your skin type. The skin color classification is 1 to 5. Type 1 is located on the left and type 5 farthest right.
The treatment of acne scars is possible only after the acne is permanently cleared up.

In the image above, you will be able to check the phototype of your skin. The classification of skin colors is from 1 to 5. The phototype 1 is located on the left of the face and the 5 on the right.

Fractional CO2 lasers help blur these scars in only a few sessions.

Smoothing out scars with this technique produces almost identical results to those of manual or chemical dermabrasion without complex follow-up or secondary risks and side effects.
Fractional CO2 lasers can also alleviate fine lines and wrinkles. It will help regenerate the skin, thereby improving its texture, which will be visibly smoother.

• A fractional CO2 session
The day of the fractional CO2 laser session, you will apply a numbing cream on the areas to treat. An hour later, your session will begin. The doctor will run the laser beam over your skin. A skin cooling system built in to the laser will blow cool air so the treatment is pain-free. You will feel heat like a sunburn and after treatment, your skin will be red.
• Post-treatment care and potential side effects
Immediately after, a repair cream will be applied to the treated areas. It is important that you follow the instructions your doctor will give you. Your skin will instantly begin healing for a few days and it is important that this step happens in the best conditions. Expect one week of downtime before a strict, mandatory three-month sun-avoidance following the intervention.



eTwo device is a bipolar radiofrequency which provides facial wrinkle reduction and improvement in the overall appearance of all aged skin types.
This treatment allows a minimal downtime and low epidermal disruption, contrary to the fractional CO2 laser treatment.
Radiofrequency treatment is highly appreciated for its efficiency and low downtime. However, several sessions, spaced 2-4 weeks apart, will be necessary to obtain optimum results.

Radiofrequency treatment of acne scars – Before & After pictures



Source: Dr Stephen Bassett


• The radiofrequency session
The doctor passes over the tip (a few centimetres large) on the facial skin area to be treated. By delivering precisely controlled fractional energy, this 64-electrode tip causes a micro-ablation in skin with a wider epidermal coagulation.

Undergoing the treatment plan, patients will progressively experience a smoother appearance, with significant improvement of the complexion and reduction of pore size.
The day of the radiofrequency session, makeup must have been completely removed. The doctor will apply rubbing alcohol on the face in order to remove any remaining oily film that could obstruct the treatment. There is no anesthesia required during radiofrequency procedures.

• Post-treatment care and potential side effects
After the treatment, patients usually experience skin redness and mild swelling. During the healing process, it is important to maintain a good skincare routine with daily moisturiser and to follow your doctor’s instructions. You will be able to wear makeup 48 hours after the treatment.


At Centre Laser Lyon, your doctor will be able to choose the most appropriate technique to treat your acne scars or wrinkles and fine lines. The fractional CO2 laser and the radiofrequency are standards in premium aesthetic medicine equipments to smooth out facial scars, whatever skin type. During your initial consultation, your doctor will give you, along with your quote, a prescription for prophylaxis to protect against possible breakouts on your face and healing creams for the days following treatment.

Your safety

Centre Laser Lyon has the latest and most advanced non-surgical aesthetic treatment devices. We have the MultiScan CO2 laser from the American brand CYNOSURE and the eTwo radiofrequency from SYNERON CANDELA. The MultiScan CO2 laser is a fractional ablative laser used for smoothing out the skin to correct the signs of aging and fade acne scars. This laser can provide an effective, safe treatment for patients with fair skin. The cooling system ensures a virtually painless treatment. Radiofrequency can provide an effective and safe treatment for any skin phototype. Patients will experience immediate and visible results, with low downtime. These treatments are medical procedures that must be performed by a doctor.
At Centre Laser Lyon, we perform all our own treatments. All lasers are followed up with by regular maintenance.

Contraindications and precautions

  • Any current dermatological problems on the area receiving the treatment
  • If currently undergoing isotretinoin treatment
  • Very dark skin
  • Collagenosis
  • Under the effects of a photo-sensitizing medication
  • If pregnant or breast feeding

The price per session for the fractional CO2 laser treatment of scars varies from 250 to 600 euros. For a customized quote, make an appointment for a free initial consultation with one of the doctors at Centre Laser Lyon.