Inflammatory lesions

Following an inflammation of the skin, you may experience hyperpigmentation.
This is a reaction of the skin due to inflammation (inflammatory acne) or injury (post-operative). This color appears as flat spots and can be pink to red to dark brown depending on your skin type or the color of your skin.
With pulsed dye laser “Vbeam Perfecta” treatment, it is possible to mitigate the color and pruritus induced by inflammation. Pruritus is a medical term for the itching sensation caused by inflammation.
Radiofrequency is also an effective treatment to clear up acne scarring, for all skin phototypes.
You will first meet with your doctor to undergo a medical consultation to determine whether your inflammation can be treated with pulsed dye laser. The rate varies because it depends on the extent of the treatment area and the depth of inflammation. The price varies from 150 to 250€ per session.
What is the process of the laser session?
After the medical examination is conducted, a detailed treatment plan will be provided along with a personalized quote.
On the day of treatment, both you and the doctor will wear the same goggles to protect your eyes from the rays emitted by the laser.
The treatment only takes a few minutes. The doctor will scan the treatment area. A spray of cold air will accompany the light beam. You will feel similar to a slight tingling.
After your treatment, you should avoid sun exposure.
Purpura may appear on the treated areas if your donctor mentioned it during your initial consultation. Purpura is obtained with a certain intensity of treatment. It is the result of laser impact on the inflamed area with a higher power. The area will darken until fully healed. Purpura is not necessarily required but can sometimes be advised so that the lesion leaves more quickly.
After healing, your imperfections will be gone.What is the price for this treatment?
If you would like more information, feel free to make an informational appointment with our medical team.